Useful Information

What is Filter Separator?

Filter Separator is a mechanical equipment with filtering and separation elements used to remove liquid, small solids (created by the tubing and wing erosion) and other particles from the gas steam.


Filter separators, like other gas-liquid separators, can be horizontal and vertical; the most common type is horizontal. If there is a large amount of water in coming gas, structure of filter separator is designed to have a “boot” in the bottom of the separator connected with two similar tubes parallel to each other. Retention period required between 3 and 5 minutes for hydrocarbon (oil)-water separation by settling. Sizing the dimension of the filter separator’s each section depends on the calculations and design of manufacturer or engineering company.


Filter separators have a wide application in gas pipelines, as well as the gas processing plants, for example, acid removal units, when after passing filters separators catch the liquids and condensed hydrocarbons coming from the absorber. In gas processing, adequate inlet separator and filter separator are required to prevent foaming due to the chemical contamination. If absorber is downstream from amine unit, glycol unit, or compressor, a filter separator is required.  Also, filter separator and coalescing filter used to prevent fine mists from entering the absorber.



Diameter 4-36 in.

Length 8.5-12.5 ft.

Pressure Rating

500-1440 psi

Flow Rate Gas

9.5-200 MMSCFD

Filtering Efficiency


Vessel Type

Horizontal or Vertical

Horizontal Filter Separator 

Vertical Filter Separator 

Dry Gas Filter 

Dry Gas Filter are designed to remove solids, particles, and other impurities from dry gas (gas without liquids). Dry Gas Filters are widely used in natural gas pipelines and gas processing facilities. One of the application is gas dehydration units, where dry gas filters are used to remove particles and dust from adsorbent beds.


Filter Elements 

Filter Element of Filter Separator is a special cartridge designed to catch solids, impurities and liquids which are present in natural gas stream. Filter elements are placed in the solid-separation section of the horizontal and vertical filter separators and shall be cleaned or replaced based on the application conditions. 

Rein Process Equipment designs and supplies Horizontal and Vertical Filter-Separators, which are designed to handle high flowrates of natural gas and achieve 99.9% filtration efficiency. Rein Wellhead Equipment is a supplier and manufacturer of Filter Separators, Dry Gas Filters, as well as other natural gas pipeline equipment.